Parent Information
How do I enrol my child into Whyalla Special Education Centre?
To be enrolled in a Special School in South Australia, a DECD Psychologist must recommended this setting as an ideal placement. A panel is formed to place students in each school. If your child is already attending a DECD school or Kindy, speak to the Leadership team at your current school/kindy. If your child does not attend a DECD school or you currently live in another state, or for any further information on this matter, please contact DECD Whyalla Education Office on 08 8645 6568.
How much are the School Fees?
School fees are as determined each year by the Education Department in South Australia. School Fees cover all materials that your child will need to participate in all learning activities. Camps, excursions and other special events may require an additional charge. You will be notified about this charge in advance.
What are the bell times?
School Times
School Day: 8.30 am – 3.15 pm
Session 1: 8.45 am – 11.00 am
Recess: 11.00 am – 11.20 am
Session 2: 11.20 am – 1.00 pm
Lunch: 1.00 pm – 1.30 pm
Session 3: 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm
What is the colour of the school uniform, and where can I get it?
Our school colours are navy and maroon. Our junior primary and primary students wear a maroon with gold trim top, and our middle and senior students wear a navy with gold trim top. All students are expected to be wearing these school colours. You can place an order for uniforms at the Front Office.
Does my Child have to attend school?
All enrolled students are expected to attend school full time in accordance with the Education Act. Any change in attendance must be negotiated with the Principal.
What if my Child is sick?
If your child is unable to attend school due to sickness, please inform the Front Office on 8645 7261as soon as possible. If your child is transported to school by Taxi, please also inform the Taxi company.
If your child is sick or has an injury whilst at school, we will call you to inform you. In some circumstances, you will be requested to come collect your child and take them home.

How does my child get to school if I don’t drive?
It is the families responsibility to ensure their child attends school. Transport may be supported through the NDIS process in some circumstances.
As a parent how can I be involved in my child’s Education?
One Plan
Each student at Whyalla Special Education Centre has One Plan. This plan is negotiated between families and their class teacher, deciding goals and future direction for your child. We encourage families to take an active part in planning for and assisting their child achieve their full potential.
Governing Council
Governing Council meets twice during the school term. Members of Governing Council are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in February. This is a great opportunity to be involved in the planning and direction of the school.
Finance Committee
This is a sub-committee of Governing Council comprising Principal, Finance Manager and Treasurer – which usually meets prior to Governing Council meetings.
Staff are on duty from 8.30am to receive students each morning. Students should not arrive before 8.30am
All students enter the school via the front entry gates and are greeted by staff. These gates are closed at 9.00am. After 9.00am, students will enter through the Front Office.
All students depart school via the front gates at 3.00pm. They will be signed out by staff and only allowed to exit when a family member or carer is waiting for them. If your child is picked up before 3.00pm, they must exit through the Front Office.